I've really only been into coffee since February 2005. I'm 16 now and I have been completely consumed from head to toe by the coffee bug and baby am I lovin' it or what?! I started out finding recipes for Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino, and soon, thanks to espornographers, I had a Gaggia Espresso in the house. Later, I bought a Super Jolly and have been doing some minor tinkering ever since. I now work at the Elysian Room in Vancouver. I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and leave some comments!

Monday, March 13, 2006


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, "all the ships at sea", I'm back from my break from... well... coffee. Until about a week ago I have had bronchitis (was pretty much gone 3 or 4 weeks ago though) and bad coffee experiences. I had not had a good coffee for weeks. I, by no fault of the engineer, did not receive my build estimate for my proposed espresso machine's boiler and have been talking shit about how it's taking him so long, not realizing that it was in my inbox marked as read for some reason, with our other twenty-odd e mails. Furthermore, I've had final exams and a new semester at school. It's SPRING BREAK so I'm getting back into it.

First things first, special shoutout to Tonx for giving Matthew from Elysian some coffees for me to roast. The coffees include an Ethiopian Harrar Gr. 4 FTO, Ethiopia Sidamo Wotona Bultuma, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Kello, and Kenya AA Kiaga. Hopefully I will get a chance roast these up tomorrow or some time soon.

Next, I participated in a podcast roundtable earlier with Sean Strugnell, a "new guy" named Michael, Mark Prince, Matthew from work, and Peter V. It was pretty fun, although I had almost no sleep and just learned I was doing it when I arrived. I sure hope I can come back to talk more shit and say some useful things... God knows I have too much to say already. I also got to try some coffee from the AeroPress using the different filters. We talk about the results during the roundtable. Quite frankly, I have little recollection of what we talked about... that's how sleep-deprived I am. It was quite a waste of a podcast opportunity at "Casa del Prince". I'm sure when I hear it I'll disagree with everything I said... but I digress... whatever that means.

I'd like to say goodbye to Chris Tacy as it seems he has "moved on" from the wonderful world of coffee. He is a major asset to the coffee enthusiast community and will surely be missed in many ways. I want you to know, Chris, that I really respect and admire you. You ahve been an inspiration to me. Reading your blog is very entertaining and gives me many of my ideas of espresso.I'm not even gonna ask what's happening with Put Up or Shut Up... I think we answered that one. I can only hope you change your mind, but you gotta do what's important to you. I will miss you and your radically different and extremely intriguing posts and I hope you do well in this post-coffee life of yours. I can also only hope that you read my blog!

Well, that about wraps things up. It feels good to be back into it now.


Blogger CoffeeGeek Bloggin' said...

You're not back. You're gone again ;)

1:51 PM

Blogger The Artist Formerly Known As JakeTheCoffeeLover said...

Good thing you said that. I think I'm gonna cup two coffees I roasted yesterday.

Yemen Mokha Bani Matar
some PNG from John Sanders

9:38 PM

Blogger The Artist Formerly Known As JakeTheCoffeeLover said...

I'll try to post it tomorrow night.

12:23 AM

Blogger The Artist Formerly Known As JakeTheCoffeeLover said...

How's TOMORROW night sound? :P I've been busy with school lately... stupid socials 11... SOOOO USEFUL IN LIFE

(hint: not)

12:37 AM

Blogger The Artist Formerly Known As JakeTheCoffeeLover said...


no seriously

11:45 PM


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