I've really only been into coffee since February 2005. I'm 16 now and I have been completely consumed from head to toe by the coffee bug and baby am I lovin' it or what?! I started out finding recipes for Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino, and soon, thanks to espornographers, I had a Gaggia Espresso in the house. Later, I bought a Super Jolly and have been doing some minor tinkering ever since. I now work at the Elysian Room in Vancouver. I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and leave some comments!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Espresso Machine is GO

I just got my machine running. After teflon taping every fucking part of the machine I realized I was missing a small black gasket. After finding it where I saw it the other day and some careful rearrangement, I had me a working pump. Here's an out of focus camera phone picture of the shot I pulled with some Hines that was roasted earlier today... first try... I swear!


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